Supporting Youth to Adult Health Care Transition

Health Transition Learning Community


THURSDAY, February 27,2025  Noon-1:00pm

“Lessons from the Field: Transition Support Tools and Practices for those with Complex Medical Needs”


Megan Teed, AFNP


Children’s Wisconsin is a leading healthcare organization in Milwaukee, WI, dedicated to providing comprehensive medical care, care coordination and other supports to children with complex needs and their families. Megan Teed APNP will share updates on how their team supports children in the Complex Care Program (CCP) as they transition from pediatric to adult health care.

By watching this presentation, you will be able to:

  1. Describe key elements of the CCP transition process,
  1. Learn how the transition process has changed since the COVID pandemic,
  1. Identify how care coordination and transition supports are funded, and
  1. Identify methods used to understand the patient/family transition experience.


Coming Soon

Quarterly Learning Community

The Youth Health Transition Learning Community provides networking opportunities for anyone who wants to learn more about transition and how to move transition forward in their organization. This statewide group comes together virtually to share ideas and best practices around youth health transition. This webinar is for :

  • medical providers
  • parents and caregivers
  • service providers
  • school staff
  • others interested in supporting youth as they transition from adolescent to adult health care.

The Youth Health Transition Initiative, based at the Waisman Center in Madison, facilitates Learning Community activities.

Sign up for Youth Health Transition Learning Community notifications here.

2025 Learning Community Dates

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, April 24, 2025

Thursday, September 25, 2025

Thursday, November 20, 2025

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2022 Youth Health Transition Learning Community

November 10, 2022

“Serving Youth with Special Health Care Needs: Compassionate Approaches and Considerations”

All adolescents deserve respectful, quality care, and all adolescents need help preparing to transition to adulthood and adult health care. Adolescents with special healthcare needs may need assistance understanding their condition, their medications and how to stay healthy. They may need help to figure out emergency care and medical coverage when they move away from home. Two PATCH teen educators will share their healthcare stories and what  they would like their medical team to consider, as they prepare to transition to adult health care. Tim Markle presented a brief overview of Health Care Transition and was joined by 2 teen educators from Providers and Teens Communicating about Health (PATCH) to discuss their healthcare transition stories.

By watching this presentation, the learner will be able to:

  1. Recognize how healthcare transition can impact a youth’s overall quality of life.
  2. Identify how Healthcare Transition specifically impacts youth who have special healthcare needs.
  3. Describe when and where providers can listen more to their youth patient.

Recording available at Health Transition Quarterly Learning Community November 10, 2022 – YouTube

Access the presentation powerpoint here November 10, 2022 Learning Community presentation

September 8, 2022

A 2022 Update on Got Transition’s Health Care Transition Resources”

The Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative hosted a presentation by Patience White, MD, from Got Transition® about new resources and tools the Got Transition® team has developed to educate and assist providers to work more effectively with families and youth. Dr. White also described how other stakeholders, including families, can use the resources and tools found on the Got Transition® website to prepare for transition and make the process less stressful.

By viewing the recording of the learning community broadcast, the learner will be able to:

  1. View Got Transition’s® What is HCT? Video and Infographic
  2. Access transition toolkits available online from Got Transition® for school-based health centers, emergency preparedness and telehealth
  3. Describe how to customize Got Transition’s® HCT tools.

Recording available at Health Transition Quarterly Learning Community September 8, 2022 – YouTube

Power point is available at September 8, 2022 Learning Community presentation

May 12, 2022

“Learning about Transition Practices in Wisconsin Healthcare Systems: First Steps”

The Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative will host a presentation by Julie Hajewski NP and Wendy Sun, LEND trainee, about their work on the environmental scan of health transition practices in WI health systems.

Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the process for conducting an environmental scan of transition practices in WI health care systems
  2. Discuss initial challenges, barriers, opportunities and learning points
  3. Generate ideas to address issues identified.

Recording available at

Power point is available at May 12, 2022  Learning Community

March 10, 2022

Indiana’s Experience with a Statewide Youth to Adult Healthcare

Transition Consultation Team”

Mary Ciccarelli, MD from the Indiana University School of Medicine is a professor of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Pediatrics. She is also a Med-Peds physician and is the founding Director of the Center for Youth and Adults with Conditions of Childhood (CYACC). She spoke about her work with the CYACC, including tools used in transition consultations.

By attending, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the Indiana University Center for Youth and Adults with Conditions of Childhood, its relationship with state CYSHCN, and services provided.
  2. Plan methods for working collaboratively with PCPs on transition issues for youth with or without special health care needs, considering categories such as chronic conditions, intellectual and/or physical disability, and/or serious mental illness.
  3. Explore adaptive tools specifically for youth with intellectual/developmental disability for health habits and self-management.

Recording available at March 2022 Learning Community

Access Dr Ciccarelli’s power point at CYACC Wisconsin CYSHCN 2022

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November 11, 2021 Learning Community

The Importance and Integration of Health Care Transition in Schools

Samhita Ilango, from Got Transition, reported on the latest data on outcomes for children who engage in the transition process. She also described the pilot project involving collaboration between DC Schools and Got Transition. DC Schools community health centers provided transition information and services to teens at the schools, with technical assistance from Got Transition.

Participants will be able to:

  1. Understand health care transition (HCT) outcome evidence for youth with special health care needs
  2. Describe the HCT projects in the DC school system
  3. Identify an HCT tool on the Got Transition website that can be used in special education programs
  4. Consider promoting HCT activities when planning educational goals

You can watch and/or listen to the recording at: Short Introduction to Health Transition and Schools and the Importance and Integration of Health Care Transition into Schools

You can view the presentation power point at: The Importance and Integration of Health Care Transition in School Settings

September 9, 2021 Learning Community

Integrating Healthcare into Youth Transition Processes: What do we know and how can we help?

Participants will be able to:

1. Describe the top 10 assets that contribute to integrating the transition process in WI
2. Name 2 strategies or activities where people integrated healthcare into the transition process
3. Identify resources and/or materials that can be used or adapted to include healthcare in the transition process.

You can watch and/or listen to the recording at September 9, 2021 Learning Community

The presentation power point can be viewed at LCSept .

The Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative hosted a presentation on outcomes and lessons from the WI Integrated Transition Planning Project (WITPP) about integrating health into the transition process for youth and young adults with disabilities.

May 13, 2021  Learning Community

Lessons Learned from LEND* Transition Training: Family, Student, and Clinician Perspectives

*WI Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities MCH Training Grant

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe the LEND program Transition Consultation format
  • Identify youth and family reasons for wanting help with health care transition planning
  • Use one or more strategies described to help families with health care transition planning

You can watch and/or listen to the recording at May 13, 2021 Learning Community

The presentation power point can be viewed at LC May 13.presentation.

The Youth Health Transition Initiative hosted a presentation on strategies and lessons learned during the LEND Transition Consultation Training. Participants learned about the LEND Consultation model and members of a team: a youth, parent, clinician, and LEND trainee  shared their experiences.

March 11, 2021

“Adapting Health Transition Services for Youth with Special Health Care Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe a model Transition Program at the Emory University Cystic Fibrosis Care Center.
  2. Discuss adaptations in health care transition processes during the move to telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Apply lessons learned to planning how health care transition services will be implemented in the future.

View the presentation at the following link:

The presentation powerpoint can be found at this link: WIHealthTransitionLC_03-11-21

The Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative hosted a presentation on strategies and lessons learned for engaging youth with complex health conditions, who are transitioning to the adult health care system, and their families during COVID-19 and beyond.  The first presenter will be Brandi Middour-Oxler, DNP from the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University Cystic Fibrosis Care Center. To share a WI perspective, Megan Teed, DNP, FNP-BC, APNP, from the Complex Care Clinic at Children’s WI and a QI grantee, will share her experience engaging youth and families during the pandemic.

Brandi Middour-Oxler is a doctorally prepared nurse practitioner and the cystic fibrosis Transition Program Coordinator at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University Cystic Fibrosis Care Center. Her interests include transition-related research, supporting young adults and their parents as they prepare for adult-centered care, and relationship-centered communication.

Megan Teed is a doctorally prepared nurse practitioner in the Complex Care Program at Children’s Wisconsin.  Interests include facilitating communication between health care providers, patients, and families to be able to effectively create safe transition plans for young adults with medical complexity as they transition from pediatric to adult health care.


May 21, 2020

“Supported Decision-Making: What Providers Need to Know”

Supported Decision-Making is gaining in popularity as a legal alternative to guardianship and as a means of using natural supports under the auspices of guardianship.

Kristen Crabtree recently graduated with a doctorate in nursing practice with a focus in pediatrics from the UW-Madison. She is also a WI LEND graduate.  Kristen will provide information focused on how health professionals can use the process of Supported Decision-Making in their practice for youth with special health care needs to encourage independence in decision-making. A Supported Decision-Making agreement can be used as an alternative to or as a tool under guardianship.  Attorney George Zaske will join Kristen as her guest to provide a parent perspective. View presentation at the following link:

You can also view the power point:

Youth Health Transition Learning Call – SDM

Supported Decision-Making Resource list and links:

SDM Learning Call Resource List[4395]

If you would like background information on Supported Decision-Making, we encourage you to view last year’s Learning Community on Supported Decision-Making at

September 17, 2020

“Health Care Transition: Transition Stories about Challenges Faced by Generation Z”

A parent/youth team from three families will tell their stories of transition and how they are coping with the move from pediatric to adult health care. Hear 3 transition stories from WI and how each youth’s and their family’s transition is unique. They will discuss how health care providers can support them through the process. We will also debut 2 of our transition videos. There will be time to ask questions. The presentation can be viewed at

View the slide presentation at LC Sept 17 presentation

November 19 Learning Community presentation

“Successful Completion of Transition to Adult Health Care – Experiences from Complex Care”

Two clinics that received small grant funding this year to advance Family-Centered Care Coordination for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs through a Shared Plan of Care Quality Improvement Project. Medical professionals and a parent presented from their experience building awareness, educating about, and implementing quality improvement efforts using evidence-based tools and resources. The recording can be accessed at Presentation available at Children’s WI Lessons Learned, Parent Perspective Lessons Learned, and American Family Children’s Hospital Lessons Learned.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

“Lessons from the field: Transition Support Tools and Practices”

We will feature a sneak preview of UW Health’s “Youth to Adult Transitions Toolkit” by Leanne Marso, RN, AFCH Ambulatory Operations Director and Co-Chair of the Youth to Adult Transitions Steering Committee.

We will also have a discussion of successful transition practices shared by QI grantees focusing on transition who are participating in the 2019 Medical Home Shared Plan of Care Quality Improvement projects.  A UW Health team will be sharing how they are piloting their Transition Readiness Assessment with patients/families.

NOTE: On this call we’ll also be discussing the expectations when applying for the additional dollars associated with a “Transition focus area” in the 2020 RFA for Advancing Family-Centered Care Coordination for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs using a Shared Plan of Care (SPoC) (applications due Dec 2).

View presentation at the following link:

Thursday, September 26

“Supporting Self-Management in Children and Adolescents with Complex Chronic Conditions.”

Melissa Novotny, DNP-Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Complex Care Program and Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Clinic, American Family Children’s Hospital, will join us to discuss her article Supporting Self-Management in Children and Adolescents with Complex Chronic Conditions, which is part of the supplement in Pediatrics “Building Systems that Work for Children with Complex Health Care Needs,” February 21, 2018.
View presentation at the following link:

Presentation slides

Thursday, May 16
Supported Decision Making

WBPDD: Tami Jackson, Public Policy Analyst and Legislative Liaison
View presentation at the following link:

Presentation materials:
Presentation slides
Resource handout

Thursday, February 28, 2019
Assessment of Health Care Transition Readiness for Health Care Practices

Youth Health Transition: Anne Harris
View presentation at the following link:


November 27, 2018

Part I: Journal Review: Discussion and Highlights of Updated 2018 Clinical Report on Transition.

Youth Health Transition Team
View presentation at the following link:

Part II – Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WBPDD) Tools and Resources

WPBDD: Jeremy Gundlach, Communications Specialist

View presentation at the following link:

September 25, 2018

Transition Tools & Resources: Meeting the Needs of Different Audiences

Maia Stitt, MS
Youth Health Transition Initiative (YHTI) Coordinator

View presentation at the following link:

May 22, 2018
Successfully Partnering with Youth: Strategies for Including Young Adult Perspectives to Improve Adolescent Health Outcomes – Wisconsin Transition Learning Community & PATCH

Erica R. Koepsel, MA PATCH Program Manager
Eliette Soler, PATCH Teen Educator

View presentation at the following link:

March 27, 2018
Health Care Transition Payment Strategies – Wisconsin Transition Learning Community

Peggy McManus, MHS, Got Transition, The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health

View presentation at the following link:

Presentation materials:

Coding and Reimbursement Tip Sheet

Template Letter on Pediatric to Adult Transition Codes version 1


August 9, 2017
Efforts and Reflections from the 2017 Youth Health Transition Quality Improvement Grantees
2017 Quality Improvement Grants Teams

View presentation here:

June 14, 2017
Become the CEO of Your Life: Navigating Life and Health Care Transitions

Anna Goulker, MS

View presentation here:

April 12, 2017
Identifying and Partnering with Adult Health Care Providers for Successful Transitions
Peggy McManus, MHS

View presentation here:

February 8, 2017
Engaging Patients and Key Stakeholders In Quality Improvement

Sarah Davis, JD, MPA, Associate Director, Center for Patient Partnerships

View presentation here:


September 27, 2016
Quality Improvement Grantees
Efforts and Reflections from the 2016 Youth Health Transition Quality Improvement Grantees

Presentation unavailable.

June 17, 2016
Emilia Arana, MD, Department Director, Pediatrics, Sixteenth Street Community Health Center:  Implementing Health Care Transition – Experiences in a General Pediatric Practice

Presentation unavailable.

April 4, 2016
Megan Farley, PhD, Waisman Center UCEDD: Supporting Families to Aid Teen Transitions. Transitioning Together.

View presentation here:


June 4, 2015
Liz Hecht, Waisman Center UCEDD: Assisted Decision Making.  Ellie Hartman, WI PROMISE

March 2015
The 2014 Transition Grantees,  presenting on family engagement and involvement in transition QI


December 2014

Life-long care for persons with Down Syndrome

Kerry Jedele, MD, Kevin Josephson MS, CGC, and Lara Head, PhD.  

June 2014

Craig Becker, MSSW, Darci Pfeil, PNP and UW Health Pediatric and Adult Teams on transition and cystic fibrosis


February 2014

Drs. Mala Mathur, Ann Behrmann, and Leah Ederer of GHC-SCW on their transition initiatives.  


November 2013

Dr. Bob Rohloff and a team from Southwest Pediatrics/Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin on their experiences creating a transition committee