Welcome to Transition Talks Tuesdays!
Spring 2025 Edition
Transition has many pieces! Learn about what those pieces are and how you can stay a step ahead so every child can be successful. All Transition Talks Tuesdays (TTT) will be recorded and resource sheets will be made based on the recording. You can come back to this page to access the recordings.
The Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative aims to make healthcare transition easier for youth with special healthcare needs in Wisconsin. We do this by developing and sharing healthcare transition resources with families and healthcare providers. We also work with healthcare providers to support best practice transition care for patients with disabilities and special healthcare needs.
Our Initiative is based out of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Waisman Center. We believe all families (including the self-advocate) deserve the best information possible so they can make their own decisions. TTT is one way we encourage transition to be integrated across all parts of life.
We thank the Mount Horeb Area School District Transition team for their partnership in the Spring 2025 edition of Transition Talks Tuesdays.
You can register for one or more sessions at: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aY0f8pWINuh1Sxo

Housing Options
March 4, 6:00-7:00pm CST
We welcome in a panel of people to talk about what the options are for housing after you turn 18. Let’s learn about Adult Family Homes, supports to move out on your own, and who to contact to learn more.
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Supported Decision-Making and Guardianship
March 18, 6:00-7:00pm CST
Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is an alternative to guardianship. Not every individual with an intellectual disability needs guardianship and the subsequent loss of their civil rights. SDM is an approach in which an individual is assisted with their decision making, which will enhance their skills, develop more independence, and allow them to take charge of their life.
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Aging and Disabilities Resource Center (ADRC): Your Next-Step Partner
April 8, 6:00-7:00pm CST
Learn what services the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) provides. The ADRC has been called the “gatekeeper” to adult programs. Find out when, why and how you will need to connect with them.
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Health Care Transition: Building a Bridge from Adolescent to Adult Health Care
April 22, 6:00-7:00pm CST
As we look ahead to our students/children turning 18, we need to keep an eye on health care. What steps need to be taken to move into the world of adult health care? What skills can be taught (even in middle school)? How can we tell what a student needs to know? We welcome in Hunter Markle, self-advocate, and his dad, Tim Markle, Director of the Youth Health Transition Initiative.
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Ready to Work: Finding and Keeping a Job with help from DVR
May 6, 6:00-7:00pm CST
Students can and should connect with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) while they are in school. Come and learn how DVR and Vocational Agencies support students in preparing to work, finding work and supporting them at work. We welcome in representatives from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR).
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Transportation Options
Most of us need to get to jobs, to schools, to our doctors, to recreation events, etc. Once we are 18, getting to where we want to go can be a challenge. Let’s learn about some options and talk about what has worked.
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Thank you to the Mount Horeb Area School District Transition team for partnering with us to offer TTT Spring 2025!

Partners to a Full Life: Independent Living Centers and the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
December 17, 6:30-7:30pm CST
Wisconsin is rich in advocacy organizations who are here to support people with disabilities through the lifespan. Come learn about two important connection points to help you live a full life. We welcome in Jason Glozier from Independent Living Centers and Jeremy Gundlach from WI BPDD.
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